Corporate Parenting for young people in care – Making the difference?
Young people in care and care leavers want to know that their corporate parents (the local authority, collectively with other relevant services) will care for them and do their best for them. In this, one of the largest peer research studies, we report if, and how, this is being achieved.
Our research provides an update on corporate parenting from the perspective of policy and senior managers, social workers and leaving care workers, and importantly, of young people themselves.
We trained 36 care leavers as peer researchers, carrying out interviews with 579 young people in and from care in 12 local authorities. This created a competent and enthusiastic team and produced a wealth of information on progress and perspectives in corporate parenting. Our four year study was funded by the Big Lottery and was led by Catch22 National Care Advisory Service (NCAS) in collaboration with researchers from the Social Policy Research Unit at the University of York.